Welcome Having a baby is an amazing experience, that can be the most empowering experience of your life. If you are looking to have somebody support you through this journey, a Doula can be just what you are looking for! Hiring a Doula to provide continuous one on one support can help you achieve your desired birthing experience. Doulas can provide information, guidance and ongoing support through your pregnancy, labour and birth, as well as postnatal education, mother care, and newborn care. A Doula can support you in any birth environment you choose, and they can support a vaginal birth or a birth by caesarean.
Hiring a Doula ensures you: *You have continuous 1:1 support physically, emotionally, spiritually *Your choices are respected and supported *You are surrounded by caring and nurturing energy at all times *You will have a reduced risk of unnecessary interventions *You will have a skilled set of hands 'holding the space for her'
What is a Doula and what do they do?
A Doula will support you and your partner with your birthing experience, in any birth environment you choose. A Doula provides you with the continuity of care and support. A Doula provides un-biased, non-medical support and information to mothers and their partners before, during, and after the birth of their baby. A Doula believes in the mother and her ability to follow her instincts, allowing her to birth her baby the way she feels comfortable and without fear, in a safe and supportive environment. A Doula helps you work through your options and choices for preparing for the birth of your baby. A Doula can help you work through any anxiety or fears you may have regarding childbirth or becoming a parent. A Doula provides support for birth either at home, or in the hospital. A Doula will come to you in labour at the point when you feel you need the support the most. This may be early on into the labour or once labour has already established, it is completely your decision when you want your doula to attend. A Doula can help you feel more comfortable in labour by creating a safe space, providing you with physical and emotional support, and non-medical pain relief (e.g hot packs, massage, counter-pressure etc), and provide suggestions for changing positions or making you more comfortable. A Doula can hold the space for you in the birthing room, provide physical support or just hold your hand, whatever you need when you need it the most.
Benefits of having a Doula
According to research undertaken in the US, Klaus, Kennel and Klaus, authors of Mothering the Mother, "How a Doula Can Help You Have a Shorter, Easier and Healthier Birth", have identified the benefits of having a doula at your birth:
50% reduction in caesarean rate 25% shorter labour 60% reduction in epidural requests 40% reduction in oxytocin use 30% reduction in analgesia use 40% reduction in forceps delivery Improved breastfeeding Greater maternal satisfaction Better mother-infant interaction Decreased incidence of postpartum depression
A doula does not perform any medical or clinical duties. A doula does not make your decisions for you, but will always support your decisions. A doula does not replace your partner, they support your partner also.