Doula Offerings I support clients birthing at a hospital, homebirth or birth by caesarean in metro Adelaide. *Package/offerings are individually designed to support your needs.
*Birth and Postnatal Offerings An example of some of the offerings I provide are below to give you an idea of how your package can look **For clients that book me for a full package including birth support, they have the option to hire my Elle Tens machine for their labour at no extra cost (* if it is available for hire at the time).** Clients also have the option to use a birth comb and hire my peanut ball for their labour. Extensive range of books in my client lending library.
Packages - Examples of packages (but not limited to): *Refresh Me (1 Prenatal visit, Birth attendance and 1 postnatal debrief visit. Recommended for experienced parents who are seeking a little extra support for labour/birthing) *ForYou* (explained below (2 x Prenatal ( 1 birth prep session and 1 prenatal Energy healing), Birth attendance, 2 x Postnatal (1 postnatal session/debrief and 1 postnatal energy healing)) *Sacred*(2 x Prenatal visits, Birth attendance, 2 x Postnatal visits) *Nuture Me (2 x Prenatal visits, 1 x Prenatal Energy Healing session, Birth attendance, 2 x Postnatal visit, 1 x Postnatal Healing session)
Example of the 'For You' package Email and phone support available through your pregnancy (if required). Option to loan pregnancy and birth books during the time we work together. 1 x antenatal birth preparation visit to discuss birth preferences and preparing you for labour. I go on-call 2 weeks either side of your (EDD) and I am available 24/7 in that time to offer phone support. 1 x Prenatal Energy Healing session Continuous support during your labour & birth once I am called and requested to attend. I will come to you at home or hospital whenever you are ready for me to come and start supporting you. I will support you emotionally and physically, keep you focused and provide you with encouragement and guidance with positions and comfort techniques through labour. Support you with your needs, make sure you are hydrated and help you focus on your birth goals. Immediate postnatal care/Breastfeeding support following your birth up to 2 hours. 1 x Postnatal/birth debrief visit once you are settled in at home plus a lactation snack or soup 1 x Postnatal Healing session Reliable back-up doula - (if necessary for labour) Phone support up to 6 weeks post birth Email support up to 6 months post birth *This offering has the option for you to hire and use a Tens Elle + machine or Tens Elle 2 machine for labour (if available) and 4 brand new large pads to use.
Antenatal visits Antenatal visits are beneficial to enable the clients and myself to build a rapport and therefore the client will feel more comfortable with my presence in their birth space. We can work through any fears you may have. I can offer information and support regarding common pregnancy issues. In these visits I start preparing a document for your birth preferences, commonly known as a 'birth plan'. I assist you by working through your choices, options and preferences for your birth. We discuss pain management needs, active labour, third stage, and any emergency preferences that may arise also. I make a copy of this document for you to keep, and I keep a copy also which I bring with me when I come to support you in labour. For women who do choose Elective Cesarean, I can meet you before you go to have your baby and immediately after while you are in recovery, or I can come in with you if you choose to have me present.
Immediate Postnatal/Breastfeeding support In the immediate hours after birth, I can assist you with skin-to-skin contact between you and baby, and ensuring your baby is attaching to the breast (if you plan to breastfeed). I can help guide you with your newborn. I stay until you are feeling comfortable and confident, and ready for some quiet time together.
Postnatal visits I come to visit you I the comfort of your own home to debrief your birth experience, and also to provide any assistance you may need with breastfeeding guidance and support, or information regarding caring for your new baby you may require. I can offer general baby care hints and tips, as well as information on other feeding methods, settling, bathing baby etc. I can refer you to additional community resources if necessary.
Deposit A non-refundable retainer approximately 30% of your package price is required to confirm your booking with me as your Doula. The balance of your chosen package is due in full by your 37th week of pregnancy.
Payment Plan I understand the cost of planning for a baby and therefore I offer clients a flexible payment plan. Clients can have up to week 37 of pregnancy to finalise paying off their investment fee. Please contact me to discuss this option and how to make it work for you.
Extra Offerings *Energy Healing I am a Reiki Practioner providing energy services to pregnant and non-pregnant clients. I have a beautiful healing room set up at my residence in Adelaide northern suburbs where I provide these offerings.
*Birth Preparation and Debrief package only (no labour support) This package is for clients who would like to be better prepared for their birthing experience without the support of a doula in their birth space. We discuss choices and you make decisions, then create a birth preference document for your birth. This package does include a postnatal debrief session to tell your birth story. I can provide baby care guidance and breastfeeding education and support during this session.
* *Birth Preparation, Postnatal and Healing offerings (no labour support) This package is for clients who would like to be better prepared for their birthing experience without the support of a doula in their birth space. We discuss choices and you make decisions, then create a birth preference document for your birth. Prior to birth you can experience 1 x prenatal energy healing. Once you have birthed your baby and are settled at home I do a postnatal debrief session for you to tell your birth story. I can provide baby care guidance and breastfeeding education and support during this session. 1 x postnatal energy healing to help you relax, release tension and let go and enjoy some womb healing post birth. I am happy to tailor a package to suit your individual needs! Create your own package.